Thursday, February 17, 2011

Random Acts of Kindness Day...

Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day...
Random acts of kindness are meant as a counter to random acts of violence.
“If people act kindly, it leads to more positive behavior,” . “Kindness revolves around thinking about others and the community."
There are so many little things that you can do. It only takes a minute of your time.
Share some kindness.


  1. Little RAKs are great for both the giver and receiver! Have a great day---thank you for all you do.

  2. Thank You for the reminder and your daily kindness of FREE digis. We love you, Hugs...

  3. The gesture of spreading CHEERS!!! everyday by sharing some gorgeous digis with us itself is a thought to look up to..... God bless u with more happiness & cheers that u share around with us..... Hugs)))


  4. Love how Carol put that...ditto!
    My friend for her 40th b-day encouraged her friends to do RAK's instead of gifts and she would blog about them. What a cool idea!

  5. Thanks, Paulette, for your endless kindness and the beautiful digis you give away. You're the best. Hugs, Carol B.

  6. I didn't know about this day thank you for sharing honey. xx

  7. I did that today and I feel better for it.

  8. After some of the crazy day of's that I've learned about, glad to hear that there is one that makes total sense! Rak-ing is fun, but you'd know that since you do it everyday. Thanks, Paulette!

  9. Thank you! Your comments on RAKs inspired my blog today (and I gave you full credit for your quotes). Thanks for all your hard work. Love your blog.

  10. RAKs are one of the best things we can do. Even a smile can make a person feel better if they're having a rough day.

    Paulette, you're the Queen of RAKs. Thank you for all of the kindness you shower on us.

  11. I belong to a forom where we got a RAK list and we pick a person from it and we send a card to the person or more if you can afford stamps lol


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