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Thursday, November 18, 2010

37 Comments to a Goodie~!

Tomorrow is "Use Less Stuff Day"
To save the environment....what have you and your family tried to use less of, and what have you substituted?


  1. We are frugal in just about everything. Not sure what we use less of to save the environment. That would make a cute word art ~ Frugal Is Fun. And thanks for those smile goodies. They can be used in all sorts of projects.

  2. We are definitely too-much-stuff challenged at my house. One of the things I definitely have too much of is crafting items, particularly paper and rubber stamps. I have cut way back on the rubber stamps by listing them for sale on Ebay - and then donating what does not get sold.

  3. We have been really trying to use less electricity. ~jeni :)

  4. garbage bags, I use grocery bags instead. ziplocks, I reuse them if its not meat, or I use freezable bowls so I dont just keep buying bags. We use reusable water bottles instead of buying bottles and bottles of water. If you make cupcakes buy the cupcake liners with the silver foil outer cup and save that foil cup. I reuse them. I make a meatloaf and then fill the little cups with the meatloaf mixture and put it in muffin tins, they dont make a mess and cook in 20 minutes and gives me double use of a product.

  5. We are trying our best. We do not leave lights on if they are not in use. We also turn the tap off when brushing our teeth - do not leave it running. We keep the thermostat down and put a sweater on when we can.

  6. We tried to use less electricity--turn off computers and printers at night, etc. No substitution per se. We also try to use less carbs--substitute more veggies. Does that count?

  7. Using less packaging - buying oatmeal in bulk, cinnamon in bulk, raisins in bulk, and combining - instead of using individual cereal packets in cardboard boxes - it makes a difference on the amount going into the recycle bin!

  8. Plastic grocery bags. I now carry cloth reusables.

  9. You stumped me on this one. I live alone and I just couldn't come up with an answer. I guess I use less computer paper. I reach for used paper and use the back when I size your lovely sentiments. Then I print on the good cardstock.

  10. One of the things in many parts of Australia we've learned to do with 'less of' is water. Our state has been through years of drought, where water use has been restricted increasingly. Over the last year, we've had much rain, and our restrictions have easied, but we are using our water much more wisely, re-using where we can. One thing we did to help, was to replace garden plants with native plants, or more drought tolerant... those that use less water, and can endure the sun. And we have blooms all year round, and a myriad of beautiful native birds each day!
    hugs from Australia,

  11. I try really hard to use less clothing! We use a lot of hand me downs, and give a lot of hand me downs, to try and keep clothing amount down!

  12. I stop using plastic bags. I use cloth bags now.

  13. We try to buy in bulk, whenever possible. We keep the thermostat low, in the summer we hang clothes out on the line instead of using the dryer.

  14. Less packaging! I have been buying fresh from farmers markets as opposed to prepackaged foods.

  15. When I read the title, I saw "useless" stuff day! LOL I thought geez, I have a lot of useless stuff to get rid of. We use almost no paper towels. We use regular hand towels instead.

  16. Ive always been a reuser - even before it was "proper" to recycle. Mainly becasue we couldnt afford to by things for arts and crafts.

    I always feel guiilty if I take more than 10 mins in the shower - but having lots of hair its hard to remove conditioner and I go to 10 mins lol

  17. Dh does the shopping & can't deal with cloth bags, so we use the plastic grocery bags for garbage bags. I also reuse use the ziploc plastic bags that our prescriptions come in. I found a local no kill shelter that reuses empty prescription bottles. We plan appointments and errands, so that we can take only one car. I use refillable water bottles. There's much more, but you get the picture.

  18. I've always been one to use as little electricity as I can, even when my children were young. I try not to use my baseboard heaters, and opt for a warm robe and use my fireplace to heat my home. The wood is free.

  19. I'm trying to go to cloth bags for my shopping rather than plastic. This works everywhere except Wal-Mart when I go for my big food shopping expedition with coupons...usually a 2 cart day. I haven't bought that many yet!! Also we have changed our "standards" for what we put the thermostat on. We've learned to adapt to the warmer temps in summer and cooler temps in winter, by just adjusting our clothes. If we are hot, change out of that work outfit and put on something light or cold, put on a sweater. We bought 2 of those tall space heaters that aren't even hot when you touch them but put out good heat in a small area and we just move them around the house with us. Works great. We've cut our electric bill by about 25%. Of course I'm new to all this digi stuff so all that savings is quickly going out of my paypal account to these wonderful designers! LOL!! I think it's a great trade off, don't you. :)

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Well we hardly ever through food away so if we got left over we eat it maybe in 2 days time and we try to use our stocks so we buy less food. Foos waisting is a big no no in our house.

  22. We try to use one glass per person per day, cuts down on waste, water and dishwashing!

  23. We try to either use of reuseable bags and get paper instead of plastic

  24. We try to always be frugal, but digi-scrapping has definitely cut down on the flotsam around the house! I keep a box in the garage, and a sack in the closet, for all the "donate" items. Everytime I find an item I don't want, it goes there immediately. I also take a picture or scan items I want to keep, and then get rid of the item. I use glass bowls and put a plate on top to seal them in the fridge- no plastic involved. They're also very easy to stack that way. I also got a bike this spring and use it for errands around town. Sometimes I could leave the car in the garage all week. Thanks for the WA. Love the multiple variations for the same word!

  25. We walk whenever we can. Combine errands when we have to drive. That kind of thing.

  26. I reuse plastic grocery bags - hope they don't ban them!


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.