Monday, November 15, 2010

35 Comments to a Goodie~!

Today is "America Recycles Day"
I was just listening to a news story this morning that they are finding out it is not good to recycle the plastic grocery bags, due to germs and ecoli from the foods in the bag....
Do you Recycle? and if so....what do you recycle?



  1. I try to recycle everything recyclable. Just recently have we been able to recycle all plastics. I use the grocery store plastic bags for trash and litter.

  2. I like to recycle a few thing to do some altered art with. Other than that it goes in the trash.

  3. Among family and friends, I'm known to collecting napkins, gift wrap etc. I recycle them in crafting :D

  4. We recycle everything...alum,tin,plastic,cardboard,and I have a compost pile. The plastic bags form the store are used when I cleanup the kitty litter and are used in small waste baskets.

  5. My plastic bags, line the garbage can. Paper bags, hold garbage. Return envelopes, keep for scrapbooking. Used envelopes, scratch paper. Cans, magazines, plastic, a trip to the recycling center.

    Have a good day, Paulette.

  6. Maybe it's just time to ditch plastic bags. There was an article in our local news that they're coming up with high levels of lead too from the manufacturing process.

    That said, I do use the bags to recycle as trash bags and kitty poo bags. And in our house we recycle cans, bottles and paper. And sometimes not as craft items! :)

  7. I recycle everything I can! ~jeni :)

  8. I live in Canada and we recycle a lot of things. We have a big green composting bin we put out every second week. We have a blue
    bag in which we put cans, milk cartoons, cardboard, etc. The trash goes into your garbage tin.
    All items we put in the blue bag should be rinsed out and clean. We try to do our part.

  9. I am the Recycling Queen at my house and am forever "scolding" those who don't--LOL!! "They" are getting better. I know there are probably even more things I could be doing--so I'm always open for new ideas. Would like to compost too but have no room to do it where I currently live :o( It's too bad we weren't doing this 50 years ago--the world would be a lot cleaner place.
    :D Sarah

  10. Oh, bummer about the grocery bags! I recycle those, glass jars (love to altered items with those!), newspapers, cardboard boxes (any size of cardboard boxes get recycled at my house!), soda cans...everything! Well, except plastic bottles. There is not a place in our area that recycles plastic!

  11. I recycle all paper, cardboard, glass bottles, tin cans and most plastics. The only plastics they won't take are the clamshells you get berries in or styrofoam that comes with meat, which is really frustrating. I take my own reuseable bags to the grocery store. I also put all my food waste, dryer lint, muffins papers, paper towels and tissues in a special composte bin that the city picks up weekly. So, in effect, I don't really recycle but rather I gift wrap my garbage - lol.

  12. Yup...we recycle and we have to put it in the car and travel down the road. We used to be charged $15 a month to recycle...that wasn't much an incentive to recycle. We recycle tin, aluminum, plastic and glass. OH...and I recycle (most definitely) cards.

  13. PS...forgot to mention that we recycle paper too!

  14. I recycle cans. I of course use anything I can repurpose into crafts. I use the plastic grocery bags as my trash bags for all the small trash cans in each room. They just got a recycling, big one, center here and I am trying to get them to get those bins that you can individually put things in, paper, plastic, cans etc.

  15. Here in England we recycle most of our waste (I have more recycled stuff collected than actual waste in the bin). It's just a way of life, you get used to it - cans/metal/paper/plastic/batteries and glass

  16. I recycle most everything I can. From the cereal boxes to the milk jugs and the glass containers.
    ~Heidi Brawley

  17. Hard to believe, but not everyone has curbside recycling in this day and age. Unfortunately, we fall into that category so recycling is more of a chore than it should be. There are not even that many recycling stations near us. But we recycle everything we can - cans, plastic bottles, paper, cardboard, etc. to keep it out of the trash.

  18. I recycle everything I can ... here in the UK we have 3 wheelie bins and a bag ... 1 bin for household waste (non-recycable) 1 bin for food waste, 1 for glass, plastics, cardboard and the bag for paper. I also like to recycle rubbish into altered art. Anything else that's usable i send to the charity shop!!

  19. I recycle glass, plastic, paper. I bring my own reusable bags to the store. I still end up with plastic bags, and they go right back to the store! I try to be a good steward and use my reusable water jugs and bags.

  20. I try to recycle everything that our council will take. We recycle tinfoil (aliminuim foil) at work so I take it there.

  21. Like LaVerne I recycle everything possible. I have a stack of cloth bags so I don't need plastic bags at all. I have a couple of composts in the yard for all the green waste. And I love to "repurpose" items into my crafts.

  22. I recycle as much our area allows--aluminum, steel cans, plastics #1 and #2 (wish our area allowed for more types), and as much paper as possible. I buy most of my clothes at the Salvation Army, which is good for the environment and helps their organization. I list things we can't use on Freecycle or donate to a charity. Every little bit you do helps!

  23. I also try to recycle everything that our local community can recycle. I've wondered why it was so hard to find places to recycle plastic bags, but your news report may be the explanation. (Thanks!) I usually use them in the trash cans, but recently I found a crochet pattern that uses strips of plastic bags to create a reusable shopping bag. The bags take some work, but they are neat and quite strong.

  24. I recycle everything my county accepts (which is pretty much everything). Before we had a county program, we would drive our paper, aluminum, #1&2 plastic, glass, and steel to the farmer's market. They have a great operation, but I'm happy I only have to go to the curb nowadays! ;)

  25. I recycle, but not as much as I should. As I heard a lady on Oprah say once when they were talking about "going green," I would describe myself as "mint green." I need to train myself to do a better job.

  26. I recycle cans, bottles, milk jugs and plastic bottles; just about everything. I use fabric bags to bring my groceries and all store purchases home from the stores I visit.

  27. Hmmmm seems the process to recycle the plastic store bags would use heat to kill any germs and bacteria. Who knows. I recycle everything I can. Plastic, paper, metal and glass. Also repurpose what I can.

  28. I recycle everything that the hauler will take. Newspapers, to card board boxes, can, bottles , etc. Even our electronics, batteries, tv all go to a special recycling site in our town. But, my trash bags get used for other uses and I have to admit that I haven't sent those to the recycling center.

  29. Everything I can but mostly paper because that is what I know will be recycled. My daughter at school recycles everything you can think of....

  30. I recycle everything that I can think of a new purpose for. For instance, I use the chipboard from cereal boxes for covers on homemade blank books. Whenever I buy a die-cut machine, I will use empty facial tissue boxes to cut my own chipboard accents to use on my cards.

    If you don't want to reuse the plastic shopping bags for future trips to the store and don't need them for trash, you can cut them into strips, cutting the round way of the bag, loop the them together into long strands of "yarn" and crochet them into "new" shopping bags. They also work well to cushion items & fill space when you are shipping a package.

    We invested in the re-usable canvas shopping bags so rarely get the plastic shopping bags any more.

    I could go on & on. Been recyclig & reusing for most of my life. I've learned never to throw anything away until I've thought about how I could reuse it. And no, I don't save the toilet paper rolls--there IS a limit! :o)

  31. I recycle all that I can. We don't have plastic grocery bags here anymore, unless we pay for them, but if I do get plastic bags I will use them in the dust bin.

  32. I recycle all that I can. The city requires that sanitation companies provide you with a big trash bin. We can mix except the glass has to be seperate. We are also furnished with a trash bin for leaves, etc. They don't accept plastic bags. I use those for trash. This town is very green.

  33. Mostly glass, plastic bottles/jugs, corrugated cardboard....

  34. I recycle everything I can. I mean EVERYTHING!

    D :)

  35. We recycle everything possible. All paper, plastic, glass, cans. It helps that we don't have to sort it ...just put it in the recycle container and it is picked up weekly. Our town is now even recycling leaves. They give us mulch from them.

  36. We try to recycle as much as we can. Pastick bag being recicled to put into our little bins

  37. I try to recycle all that I can. I even got my husband to think about it too!!! I use the plastic bags for trash.

  38. I recycle as much as I can. I really wish grocery products didn't come in so much packaging, it's often not needed and not recyclable.

  39. I'm lucky to have curbside recycling which is included in my trash bill. Glass, heavy plactic [not grocery bags], aluminum, paper and some others.

    Plastic grocery bags are used as trach bags for my small wastebaskets. Many of our grocery stores also have containers to leave plastic grocery bags for recycling.

    Every day my newspaper is delivered in a narrow plastic bag. They make great 'doggie doo-doo' bags when I walk the dog. I share them with my son too... he has 3 dogs.

  40. Where I live we have these huge big blue bins - each house has one and we put everything (except food waste)in it for recycling - all paper & plastic #1 to #7 as well as milk cartons, cans & glass. We pay extra for plastic bags at the store, most people like us are using cloth bags. They can carry germs to, remember to wash them!

  41. Thank you, Paulette, for the Playtime image.

  42. I recycle newspapers, plastic containers, batteries... tin cans, glass, some cardboard if it's accepted by the recycling company. I try to remember to bring my own bags to the store, but that doesn't always happen. I recycle the plastic grocery bags as trash can liners though, so it's always good to have a few around.

  43. Thank you so much for the great art. I recycle boxes and plastic bottles mostly.

  44. Thank you for your freebies. Link on your post was added to PickleMouse freebie list

  45. What a great image!
    Thanks for sharing

  46. We recycle everything-first in the house, then into the bin. One of my friends crochets bags into rugs-I have one that has lasted over 8 years and still looks like new. Goodwill recycles old clothing and bags. Great kitty toy-plastic bottle, cut some slits, put catnip inside. They go nuts! For me, recycling is a privilege-just as important as the right to vote. I couldn't do either as a kid, and now I get to do both. Enjoy the view-leave it better than you found it!

  47. I recycle everything I can-they don't accept styrofoam yet. I don't have a traditional compost pile, but I throw all of my compostibles in the bean/corn field behind my house. I swear the beans were taller right where I've been throwing this year! Thanks for all of the great freebies!

  48. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh what a sweet image thamk you

  49. Don't have to worry about ecoli.... I use the grocery bags when I clean the litterbox LOL

    I used to re-use water bottles, but re-using them has been proven to release carcinogens. I recycle as much as I can. (the give-away principle is a good one to get into! LOL) Haven't found a way to get rid of batteries, and medicine yet, though.

  50. Looks like a fun day out. Thanks for the pic.

  51. Yep, I recycle or repurpose all kinds of things. I've always wanted to take the plastic grocery bags, cut them into strips and crochet them into shopping bags--just haven't had the time and we've given most of our collection of these bags to local stores that asked for them. Thanks for the great image, Paulette!


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.