Tuesday, November 13, 2012

KINDNESS...Pass It On....

Let's see how much kindness we can spread today.....There are literally thousands of ladies that come to this blog every day....imagine if all those people passed on some kindness and then those thousand passed on kindness....wow.....moments of happiness dotted all over the world. Worth a couple of minutes?
Here's the deal....I'll start the kindness w
ith a new word art piece...I really love it by the way...lol....you go to someone else's blog and leave some kindess and tell them to spread some kindness and a little TLC. With the TLC we can track it.....Come back here and let me know where you spread some kindness....just a name....you don't have to leave a link....
20 people comment, I will add another  freebie.....
Then we will get more kindness going and I will leave more freebies~!
Let's get some Kindness rolling all around the world~!
Snag the button and put it on your blog or share it with someone, or hundreds to remind them to spread Kindness.

Starting the counter of comments at 51.......started to delete all the two years ago comments and decided not to take the time......lol....Next Freebie......70 comments~!
We made 20 posts~!  That's It~!?????
Here is the Freebie as promised.......actually...........let's shake it up a little bit......those of you that commented in comments # 51-80 email me for a special freebie......... Put I commented on Kindness in the subject line....



  1. I left a little TLC here - I randomly picked a TLC follower, and discovered she is dealing with and sharing her experiences with Fibromyalgia, which I have recently been diagnosed with. :)


  2. Hi, Paulette! I left some TLC for Di this morning. Thank you so much for the word art!

  3. Left some kindness for Becky! Also put the button on my blog so hopefully others will follow, great idea Paulette.

  4. I sent a bit of love to Jodi for her wonderful and inspiring creations on her blog. Thanks for helping us to Pass it On! And thank you again for all you do! You are an encouragement to me!!!

  5. I left some kindness for Jean - I am putting your button on my blog.

  6. This is going to be a excellent movement...I put it on my blog and on FB. Can't wait to see what happens.

  7. Thanks for the awesome button!! I have left a little plug for you in my post {hugs} and have also left a little bit of love for Alison and Angela!!
    Thanks for taking the time to be kind, may it come back to you 100 fold!!
    Sarah :o)

  8. I have left more love with Viv as I travel through the PKS blog hop. Loving this challenge to show kindness. I stop many places a day on my own personal blog hops and sometimes I get in the rut of just looking and moving on.

  9. Left some love for stef and added the button to my blog, so hopefully get some more love shared!! Thanks for all you do Paulette, you are the example of love!!

  10. Thanks, Paulette, for the word arts! I've posted twice now on my Facebook page--once to express my thankfulness for my family & friends there--then again to encourage everyone to spread the TLC through RAKs. Not sure that counts for this, but wanted to let you know all the same. Looking at some other ways I can spread the TLC to my family today.

  11. Kindness is contagious... pass it on. Thank you for all your kindnesses.

  12. i will definitely pass it on. Thanks

  13. love love love YOU, Paulette!
    Had a strole in Sept so still weird(lmbo!) but want you t know how I love yur blog, everything - and when home with printer will make and scan for you!
    Love, Cher

  14. To all Fibro/Lupus Pals -
    Hi there! You are extra special angels on earth - was dx'd at 31, now 51 - ugh! But, I find humour and goodness every day, and I love to laugh! Sending to dd - bless you all - Cher

  15. What a great way to encourage some kindness! Thanks for all that you do Paulette!

  16. Posted on my blog! Left a little TLC for Elsa.

  17. Thank you for all the kindness you've showed all of us.

  18. How nice to see something truly unique. Thank you so much.

  19. Thank you!! I spread a little kindness with gals I hang out with on a crafting/friends forum this morning.

  20. Thank you so much for the "kindness" images....what a great idea to "share a little kindness" with your button.

  21. Found a mini book blog hop just now and left a comment of love at my 1st stop. I am excited about this hop - I love mini albums!!!!!!!

  22. I haven't had the time to stop by here lately, but what a great day to come back. I left a little love for Alicia as she had a very bad day yesterday. Thanks for these great sentiments and the image as well. Have a great day :)

  23. thank you
    You always have such kind ideas

  24. I could not pass it on only to one but to 5 ppl (Teri, Wendy, Pet, Karen and Kaz-za)
    Thanks for all the lovely freebies

    PS: thank yo for your KINDNESS without your kindness we would not have all these gorgeous freebies

  25. I just made the rounds on some of the blogs and sites I frequent, and left some love and TLC. I visited Brenda, Skimersan, Nancy, Tricia, Sj, Cora, Bethany, and Nan.

  26. Thank you for the word art and wanted to leave my kindness with you. Your blog is a daily stop for me and I really enjoy the goodies as well as the riddles you have from time to time. Thank you so much for all you do.

  27. Candy left me some love, and I left some for Bev!

  28. Just got home from a football game and the first blog to check, this one! Thank you for the additional images today. I got the first two this morning. Hope you get to 50 comments (and more)!

  29. Just want you to know, Paulette, that I truly appreciate all of YOUR kindness in sharing these images with us! YOU, dear one, are priceless!

  30. Thank you for the KIND word art, very nice.

  31. Thank you for all your kindness! It's true, it's easy to spread and always brings a smile! I'm going to go leave some for Marlene

  32. Thank you for YOUR kindness! Really like the last 2!

  33. Hun - what cool thing you're doing! I just received a little kindness from Ildiko, and I passed it on to Linda.

    Way to go girl!xx

  34. I love to know how many ppl pass it on, if all these 41 ppl pased it on that will keep multiply wow sounds good isn't it
    thank you for the new ones

  35. I passed kindness to Mari :) Thank you Paulette!

  36. I left a little kindness to 2 of my clossest friends and fellow crafters Jane & Fiona. We have such good laughs together I could not give one without the other.

  37. I know the game is over, but I spread some kindness to Jewel & others today. Thanks for the fun word art about kindness.

  38. I love this - I am making a framed set up with this in it - for me! Just to remind myself! Thank you!!

  39. love how you did the elaborate K! TFS

  40. Thaks you for this lovely badge. I just posted it on my blog.

  41. Thanks for the Kindness button and the freebies. I received the button from Ildiko and am passing it on to my 74 followers.

  42. My first kindness today was left with Marion....
    hugs and blessings,

  43. Thanks due to the fact that this worthy article, it's very much conspicuous blogs

  44. Paulette, I'm loving all of these, but especially the button for my blog. Thank you so much.

  45. Love the kids at the window. Thank you.

  46. Thanks, Paulette, for each great word art and image!

  47. you always share your TLC kindness which in turn is shared....

  48. Thank you! What a fabulous idea!

  49. Thank you for the wonderful kindness sentiments. I love them. You are so sweet. Was just leaving some encouragement for a friend in TX whose husband is in the hospital. It does not look good. He had a massive heart attack. Her Husband Tony needs some prayers. Thank you Edwina Brown

  50. Thank you so much for spreding YOUR kindness. We love you!

  51. This is great, thank you Love Christine in Italy xx

  52. Paulette- you are so generous and kind- and I love the idea of sharing Kindness and TLC! I left kindness and TLC for Donna : )

  53. hi
    thank a lot for all these wonderful word arts. love ur idea of spreading kindness.
    hugs Alyna

  54. I left a little kindness with Dearie Dolls creator. I chose a digi that no one had commented on.
    Thank you for reminding me to take the time to share a little TLC.

    Marilou S.

  55. Fabulous freebies thank you Paulette x

  56. Thanks for re-sharing your images that I had not seen. Love your digis.

  57. Thanks Paulette for YOUR kindness.
    I have sent your badge and the spirit of kindness to my 2 SIL, 'cause they are so kind to me, I'm afraid neither has a blog. However I WILL add your badge to my blog.

  58. I passed it on to my friend Liv who is feeling poorly at the moment with a throat infection.

    Thank you.

    Luv Chris

  59. I have left some kindness for Lyn at Spyder's Corner. However, I am also leaving some kindness here too as you are so generous with your time and your freebies. I really appreciate all that you give to us. Thanks heaps.

  60. Just wanted to say thank you for all the freebies, and the inspiration that you provide at your blog... I can't visit every day, my daughter's special needs are high and demanding, but it's always a joy to visit your blog! My first TLC has been left with Anne-Marie in the UK!
    hugs and blessings,

  61. Great idea!! I left some words of encouragement for someone that is struggling with a new job! Pass it on...

  62. Faf idea! I'm going to spread the word right now!

  63. Thank you for your kindness of sharing your freebies Paulette!!

  64. Thank you for these wonderful Kindness freebies! You are so very thoughtful!

  65. Hi Paulette, I left some words of kindness on several blogs and plan to do more, so far Anji, Cathy and another Cathy. I also posted your image and your quoted post on my blog with a link back to you for my readers. I think this is such a FABULOUS idea! You're the best.

  66. Oops, forgot to say thnk you in my last comment for all the freebies too! :)

  67. Thank you for your generosity and talents - kindness, passing it on every day <3 with aloha

  68. Left some tlc for Jessica today. Thanks for the fabulous idea Paulette and for the freebies!

  69. I'm laughing about starting the count at 50. Sounds like a good idea to me!

    I'm going to print this to hang on my door at school. Thanks!

  70. Love your blog and digi's :) got the button on my blog, thank you bunches hugs, Cathy k

  71. What a great idea! Sharing the love, thanks Paulette!

  72. I made it here late today but I will get right on this & be back. Thanks.

  73. I just got here from work. Totally love the wonderful freebies you have going and doing the rounds of my favorite posts and leaving some love on the way! :D Thank you so much.

  74. I left this at Lily and the Lotus. Thanks again.

  75. Thank you for all your generosity and kindness! Passing on kindness makes the world a better place.

  76. Paulette, love these images and will be passing some kind thoughts on others blogs yet tonight and reminded them about TLC, Create.

  77. Thanks! I didn't get to this post until 2:30 Wednesday a.m. because I have been too busy creating another card! So I didn't get to spread the kindness. Sorry!

  78. Tu, Paulette y tu equipo formais un fantastico grupo de creatividad, ahora con esta nueva iniciativa. Lastima que de momento tengo en un (kis-kas) mi blog, sigo con rehabilitacion, espero poder agradecerte todos los regalos dentro de poco.
    Besitos y muchas gracias.

  79. This is wonderful idea! I posted it on the Christmas Blog!!

  80. I posted this on my own blog to be inspiration to ALL who come around... I hope it GROWS!

  81. shared this with Jennifer at sugarbuttdesigns... This is fun to do!

  82. I passed it on to PAM Tremble too...she is always an encouragement with everything she shares on her blog.

  83. I posted this and shared it too. Great idea hun.

  84. I left love for Wendy and Sairi and at the same blog the pp did because her comment made me run over to read the fibromyalgia post! This is a fabulous idea, I am reposting!

  85. Passed it along on my FB and blog! Great idea!

  86. I shared this on:


  87. Thanks Paulette for the Kindness digis. I was not on my computer yesterday so didn't see you "challenge" until today. I know YOUR kindess inspires others to be kind. :-)

  88. Absolutely brilliant idea. Thanks for all you do Paulette xox
    I have given thanks today to the lovely lady Louise, who was first in a long line to nominate my daughter for not one, but two awards. She won both;D
    I will most definitley share this with others.

  89. This is such an easy thing to do. I wish people would do it more often. Thanks Paulette. Hugs, Robin

  90. I shared this with june769. She loves it as much as I do. Thanks so much

  91. I left a comment on Carla's blog.

  92. I shared with Jennifer at sugarbuttdesigns. "Pass it on" great idea!

  93. I found out about your blog from sugarbuttdesigns today. This is such a great idea! Thanks for sharing the kindness freebies! I left some TLC at Designs by Megan Turnidge's blog.

  94. Let's keep spreading Kindness as long as we can! :) Thanks for everything you do Paulette!

  95. Hi Paulette - I have just made it to your site - busy day today - however, I spread some kindness to Laura - her hubby lost his job -what a terrible thing to happen in these times - I think you are a very kind person to give us so many freebies! Thank you so much -have a great day! Gail

  96. these are wonderful!!! thank you

  97. I tried to leave a message @ Cher's Place but there was no where to leave a post. I'm one of the Fibro/RA/Diabetes...etc, etc for 14 years. So I wanted to share that with her. I agree..God Bless all of us sickies.


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.