Tuesday, November 9, 2010

30 Comments to a Goodie....

Since today is "Natl Young Readers Day"....and we are all young at heart.....so I think we fall into that category...lol

What is your favorite type of book to read and why?


  1. Well since I read incessantly and a wide range of books thats a little hard to say. A pretty much running theme of most books I read though is humor. No matter what kind of book I am reading, mystery, romance, vampire, young adult, etc, they almost all are humorous. I like to laugh, lol.

  2. I like all different types of books but when I want to get away into another world and read for fun i like to read fantasy. I would love to hop on the back of a dragon and soar through the sky so the closest thing to it is reading about it!

  3. I don't read a lot (rather be crafting) but my favorite type of book is a pioneer romance.

  4. I love to read all kinds of books! My favorite book ever is a children's book; "The Giving Tree". ~jeni

  5. I love rom-com books, nothing like a bit of light hearted reading. I also like the more grittier stuff, such as Patricia Cornwall and Martina Cole, but i have to be in the right frame of mind to read those book cos they're so intense.

    I love reading, its something i do every night when i go to bed, even if some nights i'm that tired i read the same sentence 4 times LOL!

    Hugs Jillx

  6. Fiction because it takes me away from the real world even if for a couple of hours :)

    Kathy Smith

  7. Detective mysteries..."Nate the Great" was one of my favorite books to read as a kid. I still love mysteries, but will read almost anything now.

  8. I love reading biographies/autobiographies to get a better insight into peoples lives.

  9. My favorite is fantasy-horror, as it takes me away from the every day world.

  10. With children's books, I like picture books not just for the story but the wonderful illustrations.

  11. Hmmm a "cozy mystery" or some of the newest children's lit.
    Both are enjoyable and easy to fit in my limited reading time. (Although, given the opportunity I could read ALL day and even into the night) LOL...

  12. I LOVE mystery/suspense novels, but have recently started getting into classics! I'm a reading nut, and my 8 year old son is taking after me! LOL He will sit up for longer than an hour after bed time, reading!

  13. As a kid, I LOVED reading. I spent most of my free time in books, as I was over protected to the max. Books were my social life.

    Today, I love to read my bible and stories about the characters of the bible. I am currently reading Left Behind. Yeah, I know - it's an oldie, but I just discovered it!!

    D :)

  14. I read just about everything I can get my hands on but the titles waiting on my eReader right now are "The Hunger Games" series by Suzanne Collins (young readers), "Dead in the Family" by Charlaine Harris (paranormal romance), and "The Bone Island Trilogy" by Heather Graham (paranormal mystery).

  15. A good murder book. So far removed from my mundane life.

  16. I have a little toddler, so I haven't done a lot of reading for a while :), but I would have to say Science Fiction or the classics. Science Fiction because it's intriguing, and the classics because they usually provide rich 'character sketches'.

  17. I don't know if it's b/c I'm young at heart or b/c of the age group I used to teach, but I love young adult books. (And I can't wait for Harry Potter to come out!!) Recently, I started reading historical fiction, and it's working for me...

  18. Humm, I can't choose just one.
    Classic British: ie: Jane Austen
    Children & Young Adult Award Winners
    Historical Fiction which usually leads me to reading a nonfiction book on the era.
    Inspirational Christian fiction and nonfiction.
    I could go on....
    Some fantasy; Lord of the Rings, Narnia
    STOP -- I just love to read!

  19. Love so many types-Harry Potter was my most recent obsession.


  20. fantasy sci fi that has some humor in it. :)

  21. Wow hard one as I haven't had time to read books lately, but I love Harry Potter books, like thriller too

  22. Legal, mystery, suspense fiction of any kind! Probably because I am in the legal field!

  23. I love science fiction/fantasy. There is just something about "crawling" up inside a wonderful sci-fi/fantasy book and just letting go of the real world and entering into the world of the book.

  24. I loved the Grandma's Attic series!

  25. Oh, whoops. Favorite type. Historical fiction. Love learning about the past.

  26. I love all genre's of books. My favorite recent book is "The Help"

  27. I like reading all kinds, also; I like to read to relax, which means fiction for me. I especially like historical fiction...

  28. I use to read all the time....but since my two beautiful babies and finding didgital scrapbooking. I seem I only have time to read my favorite blogs and emails.

    I love anything done by David Eddings, fantasy was something I could lose myself into. Than there was a time I loved to read DIY books.

  29. I love suspense/mysteries...James Patterson, Mary Higgins Clark...anything like that. I think it started when I was alot younger and I got into Nancy Drew lol

  30. I honestly haven't read much lately, other than the Bible. I spend my free time playing with my grands (we live together) or crafting. I guess I'd say the Bible then. Thanks for the graphic!!

  31. Love reading all sorts of things... I don't think I can pick a favorite type of book! Lately, I've been reading Tracy Chevalier's books and enjoying them.

  32. Thanks for the image. My oldest is 6 and learning to read and I thought of him when I saw the image you chose to share. Thanks for all you do!

  33. It all depends upon my mood...mystery, suspense, romance, historical. The best book, my Bible.

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  35. Thanks for the great image!

  36. Thanks for sharing :-)

  37. Thank you. My favorite books are mystery & suspense.

  38. Beautiful image. Thanks.

  39. Thank you for this. My favorite book to read is anything written by Scott Kelby for Photoshop---because I teach it and love it and am obsessed. I dream in layers! LOL

  40. This is so cute, thank you so much!
    I like books, but lately I don´t like to read those that make me sad. Eventhough I read a very sad one a few months ago, but sometimes it gets to me so deeply I have to skip those for a while. So right now I´m reading some romance-comic one, very funny :-) Love to read manga (japanese comics) and scientific books are my everyday reading at work... not very entretainning but interesting nevertheless...

  41. Oooh, another great image of a reader! Thanks Paulette!

  42. Love the images of readers! Thanks, Paulette!


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.