Monday, September 6, 2010


Anonymous ..... these items are free............please do not leave nasty comments on them.....just don't come to the blog. I really don't care for your negativity and they will not be posted. Try another blog where they might engage you.



  1. I'm sorry you have negative comments. I appreciate your generosity.

  2. o o o , nasty person
    gggrrr go away

  3. Paulette,
    I'm so sorry there are so many jerks out there and that through our interests they are able to leave their comments - we should not have to deal with them if they can remain unknown.

  4. Great reply to whoever the coward is that won't put a name with their comment.

  5. Where do these nasty people come from. Paulette you do a marvelous job for us hun and for every nut who leaves a negative there are hundreds who appreciate the work you do.
    Hugs n Love
    Suzi x

  6. I second that. Wow, you offer these wonderful things so kindly and there are really those who have something bad to say?? Amazing.

  7. Don't know what the comment was, but it really doesn't matter. Propably somebody that doesn't have a life or friends and wouldn't recognise kindness if it hit them in the face. we all love you ane appreciate you for your generosity.

  8. Sorry that you have had anonymous comments like that. I'd like to counter it with a big THANK YOU from me for your generosity and great sentiments and designs.

    Also, Anonymous, a good maxim in life is "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all". Covers many situations and works every time:)

  9. wait wait wait, you take your time and efforts and share these images you create for free, or at a ridiculously decent price in the shop, and someone's being a whiny wanker? Here's the door and don't let it hit you on the way out. Seriously. Yes, some suit other people's tastes differently but that's what I find cool about Paulette's blog - there are several different styles, and if you can't find anything you like - get off the site and shush. Clearly your momma never taught you manners.

    That said - Paulette, your work is amazing and ignore the trolls. They're no-talent hacks who couldn't draw a straight line with a ruler.

  10. I can't believe the depths some petty people will stoop to. Paulette, you are so generous and you shouldn't have to deal with that!

  11. Sorry that you had to deal with sucha nasty person! REALLY. Too bad they don't have anything better to do than leave nasty remarks to good people. I LOVE "Create with TLC" and have told lots of friends to check you out. Thanks and Hugs...

  12. How sad that someone has to post crud and isn't brave enough to leave a contact!

  13. Anonymous - Get a life...sheesh...

  14. I'm in agreement with the others and like you told any. if they don't like your hard work don't come to the site, some people are here to cause disruption to our daily walk, so we just have to pray for them. I want to personally thank you, I look forward to your creativity that you have been blessed with. keep up the good work and thanks again.

  15. To those who don't like a creative and giving person - so somewhere else.

    So sorry you had to see that nasty person comment.
    That is why I have comment moderator turned on.

  16. Don't worry about them... I hope you spend your time to the positive things and not to some of the negatives...

    Go Girl!


  17. I recently stumbled onto your blog and oh impressive! I want to thank you for all your work and the generosity for all the freebies. You are amazing!

    As for your anonymous nasty comment person...if it continues you could try alerting Blogger. It happened to me once. I was being harassed through my blog and I reported it and it stopped. Don't know if it was coincidence or if Blogger stopped the person but the nasty comments stopped once I reported it.

  18. I cannot believe that someone could be so nasty to leave negative comments - you are so generous sharing your images and sentiments - as someone else has said if you don't like it you dont have to visit.

  19. So sorry you had to deal with this. I appreciate the work you have put into this blog. I don't care for everything you come up with but that is the beauty of it being a freebie. I am free to pass it up. I am free to completly bypass this blog. Someone needs to be ashamed I do believe

  20. You goodies are soooooo cool....whoever felt they needed to be negative obviously doesnt know art when they see it......rock on

  21. Paulette,

    Some people are just mean. Please don't let them get you down. There are so many of us that appreciate all of the gifts you grace us with each day. A sincere thank you for sharing your time and talent with us!

  22. I'm sorry that some people don't have anything better to do than be jealous of your talent and generosity! Please remember that you are appreciated!

  23. Yeah! What they said!!! hug from me! and thank you for all your work, talent and generosity!

  24. Sorry for any nasty comments. I love these oldfashion images, and your wordart too. Thank you so much for all the lovely freebies!

  25. Paulette, where would my cards be without you? I love what you do for us and genuinely appreciate all your hard work and efforts! x

  26. To anonymous: scare yourself away and be very ashamed of yourself.

    To Paulette: BIG THANKS for everything you share with us; it is a godgiving talent you have; don't let anyone spoil your fun.
    we love you and the things you do.

    Kind regards from Holland,

  27. Oh how rude is that! I am so sorry that someone feels the need to be nasty to you! I really appreciate all your wonderful digi's! I wish I could figure out who it is and take them a round or two! LOL! Sorry I needed to say that! Happy Creating! Sara

  28. What marvelous gifts you design for us to use.

    Nasty people just burn my backside! Whomever it was needs a good swift kick in the behind!

    Comment moderation is a great idea, more work for you, but it keeps the nasties away.

    Love your blog & your talent!

    D :)

  29. I just love all of your creations, I have used your sentiments on so many of my cards and they fit perfectly! I actually look to your folder first to see if i have anything that will work when I make a project! LOL If someone wants to be a big wanker just know they are just jealous of your talent and generousity! Hugs

  30. I love your work.. Thank You !!!
    Please do'nt let "them" hurt your feelings!!!!

    Big Kiss

  31. I'm so sorry that you're receiving negative comments, Paulette. That's especially sad when you're such a kind and generous lady. Some sites use a setting so that they can't receive anonymous comments. Big hugs to you!!!

  32. I'm so very sorry that someone is leaving nasty comments. I just can't believe how someone can be so cruel & then hide behind "anonymous".
    Big huggies coming your way. I so enjoy your word art & graphics. You are so very sweet & generous & I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  33. I've run blogs for several years and unfortunately I've experienced the same treatment. People seem to have nothing better to do with their time!

    Just so you know, you should be able to go into your blog backside and block the commenter and their IP address. Even posting anonymously, most blog softwares track IP's and allow you to block annoying commenters or spammers. It has been a couple years since I used blogger, but they used to have it.

  34. Sorry Pauletta you had to put up with an IDIOT, the person has no guts to do it under her/his blog, would be nice if blogger could trace them and block them

  35. Just came by again. It's been a while :-)
    Sorry you had to put up with such a dope! Anonimous too.....Can you say "yellow"?

    Money is tight right now, and I'm pretty sure that's true for a lot of people. I'm glad I can pick up quality things, I can use to keep me sane, and enjoying my hobby even if I can't pay for them.... I REALLY appreciate your generosity and talent, don't let some bozo get to you.

    I agree with the sentiments that:
    B) they don't HAVE to come around
    C) It's free, see B

  36. Some folks need to get a life and entertain themselves with things and places they enjoy instead of sharing their negativity with others. So sorry this one is directing their "bad days" towards you!

  37. I hope the new spam moderation is helping with the idiots who insist on shoving their crappy outlook down other people's throats. Please know that genuine crafters love and appreciate all that you do :)

  38. That really sucks. I am new to your blog and was going through your work thinking 'how amazing you are for sharing such great files'! Poo on them!
    Thanks for your generosity and talent.


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