Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fun for the Day....

The Season Your Holiday Club is wrapping up.....last send will be sent out Sunday. There have already been 46 daily sends in 28 days~! So it was chock chock full of goodies. For those of you interested in sharing a little piece of those goodies, or for those of you that just like surprises~! today only you can purchase one of the emails with the sends for that numbered email.
Just add $1.00 to the Tip Jar....with SYHC in the comment line and the number of the send that you would like.................numbers 1 through 46 are available. You can purchase as many as you like also.
Keep in mind that the order of the sends were Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years when you think about the number you want.
Have Fun~!


  1. Thanks for all the great images and papers in the Holiday club. You are wonderful and I loved the surprises in my in box every day.
    Have a blessed Sunday.

  2. Awwwwwww.... Well all good things must come to an end. It's been so much fun getting these surprises in my mailbox everyday. There has been such a variety of goodies to choose from that it's hard to do one project finish to end without jumping ahead into something else. Thanks from the bottom of my heart for your talent, generosity and hard work.

  3. Thanks Paulette for all the goodies in my box everyday. I look forward to doing another club. No suggestions though. lol

  4. I really enjoyed the surprises in my mailbox. Sometimes 2 or more a day! I'm hoping to get to use a lot more of them. Those that didn't sign up don't know what they missed! It was a lot of fun.
    Thanks, Paulette!

  5. Paulette, thank you so much for the very generous amount of images we received. I too though, was sad to see it end. I have been gone for the last week and a half - so now it is to get through my over 900 e-mails and go back and look through your blog to see what I missed. I'm sure there has been a lot. I hope you have another idea like the Holiday Club again soon.


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.