Sunday, September 19, 2010


Sunday Scripture~!
Good Morning and Happy Sunday. Don't forget that the Scripture Club starts in about a week. Are you signed up? Lots of great scriptures coming to your email daily. When the club starts, the Sunday Scriptures will be in there, so they won't be part of the blog freebies.
It's sad to see that these aren't as popular as the regular word arts....and it is sad to me that the majority of people who are downloading a scripture, can't say thank you either. What's up with that?
Spread God's Love.........and


  1. I LOVE the Sunday scriptures. And THANK YOU! The scripture word arts are my favorite because Jesus is my very very best friend.

  2. I love the scriptures myself and thoroughly enjoy when you post them. so thank you so very very much! :)

    have a wonderful day!

  3. Love the Scripture Word Art - I have made many myself, but of course, they are not as creative as yours. Thanks.

  4. Thank you soo much for sharing your work with us.It is most appreciated.:)

  5. I appreciate the Scripture word arts the very most! I use them in scrapbook layouts, and find that yours are 'just right' to add to pages. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  6. Thank you so much for the scriptures. They are always meaningful!!

  7. Good morning!! It's always so much fun to check the site each morning to see what you've shared with us. I especially love Sunday's becuase I know there will be a scripture for us!!

    Thank you Paulette, and God Bless you!!

  8. Just discovered your blog recently but I love your work. I'm especially enjoying the scripture word art and the vintage designs. Not sure what the Sunday club is, though. Will have to watch for it.


  9. I do love the Sunday scripture art.
    Would love to participate in the club but not sure the budget is there right now. THANK YOU for sharing these each week!!

  10. Thank you very much! LOVE the scripture WA's !!

    You are a very talented lady. TY again.

    D :)

  11. Beautiful sentiment. I was looking for a scripture sentiment to make a card for my best friend, this one is lovely and she will love it, thank you.

  12. Thank you! I love these! And God reminded me again today how much He loves me in spite of myself. You are a blessing!

  13. RS149- I love your word art! I design Christian tags, so your word art is just wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

  14. Thank you so much for this one too!
    I am looking forward to the club... but sometimes you have to do what isn't the majority vote just because it means something to you. So if you enjoy doing Sunday Scriptures then don't change just because the majority don't download them! Do what is in your heart! SPREAD GOD'S LOVE! hugs to you!

  15. Another great word art, Paulette! Thank you.

  16. This has proven to be so true over and over again in my life. Thanks Paulette. The Sunday Scriptures mean so much to me.

  17. I haven't had much time to visit lately, but I knew you'd have a special digistamp today, so I made time! You are so sweet and generous in sharing these and encouraging others to walk in faith. Thank you, Paulette!

  18. Paulette, your scripture images are the ones I think I like the best. I will have to think about joining the scripture club. Got to find the $$ in the budget first. At any rate, thanks SO much for this image. I REALLY do appreciate it and ALL of the great images you share with us!

  19. Love the Sunday scriptures. Thanks for keeping up a bit longer.

  20. thank you again as always we appreciate you creativity

  21. That is sad. However, I am glad that I signed up for the club. The Sunday scriptures are like the cherry on top of my Sunday. *giggl* Thank you!

  22. Thank you for your freebies. Link on your post was added to PickleMouse freebie list

  23. I Love the Scripture posts! You caught us - grabbing and running! Please don't stop! I am signing up for the email. It will be a highlight every time I open the mail!

  24. Thanks for the scripture freebie.

  25. Beautiful. Thank you very much.

  26. I love your scripture digis. They are always appropriate, and always beautiful .... and yes it is sad to see that they aren't as popular as your other word works.... I'd love to be able to purchase your items for sale, and join your clubs, but finances haven't bee good for a long time. Just know that your freebies always come to a good and grateful home when I collect them!
    hugs and blessings,

  27. well a thank you on day two of digital scrapbooking. Hope it turns out well, and the scriptures are exactly what I need.


  28. Thank you. I'm starting a Faithbook scrapbook and your scriptures will be perfect.

  29. This is such a wonderful scripture and will be great on some OWH cards. Thank you!

  30. This is lovely, many thanks


  31. Thanks for sharing your designs!

  32. I love this! I'll have to check in to the Club. Thanks.

  33. I really truly appreciate the scripture word arts that you've shared with us, Paulette! Thanks so much for this one!


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.