Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I am not a happy camper. And you know I am always a happy camper.
As some of you may have blog was hacked into recently. Which makes me very sad.
I have been getting a lot of emails from someone that keeps changing email addresses claiming I am ruining it for everyone because I am giving so much away. And to be honest they were always mean, but started to get threatening.
I just felt sad that this person was so unhappy that they felt they needed to be mean to actually a lot of people.....(everyone that enjoys my blog).
Soooooo.....I have had to purchase some protections to make sure that the hacking doesn't happen again, and I so hope that it never does.
I will have a "tip jar" up in a little while to help cover some of these costs. ....just so I can pay to keep the site safe and continue sharing with everyone.
Thank you.....for your support.
And to get even for them being might be a couple extra freebies today~! Take that~! lol


  1. WOW!!
    So Sorry Paulette...that's just AWFUL!!
    I love your site (and not just because you give away freebies) Your WordArt is both clever and beautiful!!
    Maybe that "meanie" would be more successful if they put their time to uplifting, productive measures and not hateful hacking.

  2. Oh GOSH! HOW can people get so mean?! My goodness.. thank you Paulette for all you do for us! Kepp up the good work hun xxx

  3. I am so sorry to hear this. Why do some people have to be so mean and self-centered. Keep on doing what you are doing. A lot of people love your work and enjoy your site.

  4. ~These greedy hackers need to understand that some of us cannot afford to "Buy" much at all, and that sites like yours are an absolute godsend x Thanks for that hun x Leigh x

  5. OMG ... what is wrong with some people?! I love your site, i love the freebies but most of all i love what YOU do! Chin up honey and don't let them beat you! Hugs Jillx

  6. Paulette - I love your blog and I'm sorry that you're having problems! Keep heart and know that we really love all your freebies!


  7. How sad that people have to be so mean. Sorry you have had to take these precautions.
    We all enjoy your creations and appreciate the freebies.

  8. I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this. I very much enjoy your freebies...and I'm sure many others do as well.

  9. Oh my gosh! I just cannot believe some people! Don't let it get to you. We all love what you do and we love ALL your stuff, not just the free ones.

  10. Paulette, I am sorry to hear that happened to you. Misery loves company and that person that did that must be pretty miserable. However, good for you for not making letting it get you down.

    Let me know where the tip jar is at...

  11. Oh what sad news to hear. I love your site, appreciate your help, and will support you every way I can. So sorry that you had to go to so much trouble insure that it's great for us. Thank you!

  12. Wow- so sorry! I love your site! I love that I could purchase a license so I can use the digi's legally. Someone is just plain jealous of you. So sad!

  13. OMy...why can't people just mind there on business and leave the rest of us alone.
    Thank You for all the feebies...what's it to someone else.
    Linda W

  14. That's so sad. I don't know how people like that sleep at night. I'm so sorry You're having to deal with this Paulette. I'm off to add a tip to the jar to show my support.

  15. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this. I really appreciate all your fabulous freebies, especially since I'm unemployed and cannot buy as much as I used to when I had a job. But I found your tip jar and donated a little bit to keep you going. Thank you very much for all you do for us.

  16. Paulette, I'm so sorry that some people have nothing better to do than to get involved in other's peoples business! Please report these emails to local law enforcement if they are threatening in any way. These busy bodies may think they are anonymous, but it only takes a few keystrokes to be able to track down most threats no matter if they change their emails or not. In fact, this will show content much more because they had the foresight to change their address! I hope you report them so they don't think they've been sucessful because they caused you the trouble to have to put up firewalls. I really love your freebies and hope you continue even if they weren't free anymore. Too many people have jumped on the digi bandwagon that have fewer drawing skills than my 5 yr old DGS!. It amazes me the people who call themselves artists! Anyhoo, please know that we love & support you in whatever you decide! We'll be there for you!

  17. Sounds like someone who hasn't got a generous bone in their body. No excuse however for their rudeness, as you certainly don't deserve it. I for one am most appreciative of your generous spirit.

  18. Bri---the gorgeous daughterJuly 4, 2010 at 1:35 PM sad :( I'll send the sasquatches on that person...they'll know what to do with them :)
    LOVE YOU<3

  19. That´s so bad... I don´t really understand these people. I love all your word art, I´m so very sorry they are doing that to you. I wish I could be more supportive of your work, I know your generosity takes lots of your time. Thank you so much for that.

  20. So sorry to hear that Paulette! I just love your word art. Those mean people have to get a life!
    Keep up the good work!


  21. That is really sad that someone has done that to your site.. I love visiting your site it is one of my favorite places.. I appreciate all your freebies and it sucks that someone has to act so hatefully..

  22. People are just down right evil sometimes IMO... Maybe there own life is so sad that they have to ruin someone elses day. Thanks for the freebies as I love your work.

  23. Oh Paulette I am soo sad that someone would do that. I mean really, what is the point! Have they nothing better to do for goodness sake! Jealousy is so ugly! I definately agree with what grandmalee said though, you should report it.

    You know I love what you do. I hope you have a wonderful day today!

  24. Paulette, I'm so sorry that someone is so horrible to cause you all this aggravation! You are so very generous with OWH and all of us. I do hope that you report the hacking and the threatening email. This IS a crime. I'll be off to find that tip jar you spoke of. Want you to know how much 99.99% (sort of like Ivory Soap, LOL) of us appreciate YOU!

  25. I am so sorry that you have to deal with people like this. You do wonderful work! Don't let someone like this ruin your day. Hugs!

  26. wowza! I don't know how I missed all of this hub bub, but man do I ever hate nasty people. and I do so LOVE your blog! I use your digis almost every day!

    for every rotten apple out there, there is a whole bushel of us who love and adore you! hang in there as best you can. and know that you have tons of people who will be around to support you through all of this.

  27. I am so sorry that this has happened to you Paulette.... it is indeed horrible. I am CERTAIN that when people are mean and do things like this, it is purely because they feel threatened, and are jealous of the person they are attacking. It really is less than desirable behaviour... such a pity that they waste their time being so spiteful.
    I heard once that 'there is too much GOODness in the world to worry about the bad, and waste your time with bad people". Good advice, I think!

    Believe me that your talents are welcomed in our crafty world, and we appreciate and love work!
    hugs and blessings,

  28. Oh Paulette, I am sorry to hear this. They are jealous because all your things are awesome and innovative!!! Keep rockin' Paulette and don't let them get to you! You are the best!!!

  29. WOW... looks like I missed a heck of a weekend online! WOW>....... I am so sorry that someone has to be so immature and disrespectful! I hope you can track them somehow and report them! That is totally ridiculous to cause so much trouble for anyone! I'm glad you're not letting them beat you down though! It is not your nature to let it bother you, so please remember all of us that thoroughly enjoy your creations and generosity! We are bigger and better than the creep trying to cause trouble!

  30. Mean doesn't even begin to describe hackers! I think "jealous" is more like it. You are so generous and I have never seen anyone offer more freebies than you. Thank you for your witty and creative images! ((HUGS!))

  31. Sheesh...some people! I love your take on revenge tho!

  32. Hope they can't do anything now with your new precautions ! Love your site, thanks for the great work... always love checking out your new freebies :-D

  33. Unfortunately, people are jealous/mean beings. You enjoy what you do whether you're giving away a freebie or putting some new images up in the store to sell. You're images are very different from the others out there and I haven't even seen any nice sentiment images anywhere.

    Protect yourself, but let it roll off your back. Always remember that what goes around, comes around. It's sad because they loose in the end!

    There's plenty of business out their for everyone and we are always going to have our favs. Maybe they need to "bump up" their quality of work to start making some money. Whatever.... Keep your chin, you're doing great sister!

  34. I realized that this happened a few years ago now but just to read that someone would threaten you bec. of the number of freebies you give away? That is absolutely ludicrous. Not everyone out here in blogland has pocket money to spend on digis and if it wasn't for the generosity of you and so many artists like you, willing to provide freebies, many of us wouldn't be able to make cards.

    Thanks you for your continued generosity. I hope that at least this kind of nonsense no longer happens.

    Lisa D.


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.