Friday, July 23, 2010

Whatcha Think?

I absolutely adore getting all the cards and layouts in the mail that have been created by everyone..........and do not stop sending them to me~! = )
I want to put everyone that sends me one on the blog with credit to the creator....I also want to give credit to their blog and have you go visit.
Here's where the BUT comes is very time consuming to link the blog to each comes down to linking blogs or creating freebies.....
Here's where the SO comes in ..........Soooooooo.....I will be featuring a "Blog of the Day" feature.
If you would like to have your blog is the criteria.....
Must be a Family Friendly Blog, Must feature a creation using something from me, and I think that's it~! Send me and email, with BLOG OF THE DAY in the subject line, and a link to your blog.
Absolutely Scrapers too and Candy bar Wrapper Makers~!
Let's get this started~!


  1. Sounds FAB to me. I wouldn't like to take time away from creating those beauties you spoil us with.

  2. what would be neat if you can do is to create a group like on papercraft planet where we can post our creations for others to see as well. Or if there a way to set up a gallery on your blog that we can load photos up to. Kind of takes the pressure off you. I like to see more challenges using your stuff to. just some thoughts.

  3. Very sweet idea. It's fun finding new blogs to read! Especially creative ones!

  4. Would you be interested in Scrappers that use your products or just card makers?

  5. Sounds like a fab idea. I will forward you my blog address.

  6. I like your idea. And I will try to visit those blogs. I have a lot to learn from all the creative people out there.

  7. Sounds like a great idea to me! I was just wondering to myself the other day how you can possibly keep up with all of this! haha. I appreciate everything you do and really am glad I found your blog!

  8. Sounds like a plan to me. I like the blog of the day idea.

  9. I like this idea. It sounds great!

  10. To go along with Jan's suggestion. I'm a member of Crafters Digital Art Center and they are all about digi's. You could really get your name out there and you get to have your own group too. People could upload their cards to your group and you wouldn't have to do anything but remind people to go check it out. Here's the link and Priscilla heads it up and would help you get your group started! I've found several new artists that I love there.


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.