Thursday, July 22, 2010


What happened to manners? I really don't want this to be a bashing post....maybe people just need to be kindly reminded. But really, I put blood, sweat and love into each freebie and sale item that i make....and apparently you like them, (noted by the downloads) but why are there only a hand full of people that say thank you?
Do those of you that snag and run realize that those who share freebies get discouraged and will quit sharing them?
Over 60 people downloaded the Just married freebie in less than an hour, and no one left a thank you?
Boy, there is a lot that I would like to say....but all I will say is ...... can we please bring back manners? Our children are watching us.


  1. i am so sorry that people are not saying thank you i been known to snag and run but i do eventually go back and say thank you and i am being more thoughful about doing it right away. so thank you thank you and once again thank you.

  2. Ooh, I didnt see this but that was coz I was busy leaving my thank yous!

    Youve been more than generous this week and it only takes a moment. I must say though. I often think you will be sick of seeing the same people always leaving Thank Yous on a day when you give several? That would be the main reason I may not leave a note on each and every one.

    Keryn x

  3. have been known to be guilty and really do appreciate your hard work and have left thank yous but not all the time, actually I learned how to post comments so that I could get better and set up a google account to do so, will do BETTER, THANKS AGAIN TRYING TO POST THIS IS A TASK

  4. I always leave a thank you when I leave one, but not only that, I leave thank yous on ones I dont download sometimes. If its one I dont think I will be able to use but I just think she did a wonderful job on it, I thank her for it. Come on people, give a little love.

  5. I'm sorry Paulette. This seems to be an issue on a lot of sites. I try to leave comments and thanks everywhere I go but sometimes the process doesn't allow me to. I don't have a blog, and some time they don't have the shout box on the webpage. And sometimes they do not allow anonymous comments. I always put my name in the box when when they do.

    You have been wonderful with all that you do. God Bless!!!

  6. Thank you...only takes a second, but the thought behind it will last a lifetime.

  7. I too agree that I won't usually leave more than one thankyou a day as I thought you would get sick of your mailbox being flooded by comments (especially when I can't think of another way to say thank you again).

    But please know that I really do appreciate your time and the wonderful freebies...sometimes I find that I can spend hours in a day browsing your site! I really appreciate all your hard work-I don't know how you do it!


  8. Hai,
    My Englisch is not very good but i give it a try:
    I just found your site 2 days ago and i am ashamed to say that i am one of those people that you mean by snag and run. I am very sorry about that and i think i did not realize that there are people who put a lot of work and time in it. I am very glad that you made a comment about it, and i will leave a comment on evry download i make in the future.

  9. Ok, I have to say for me that time is a factor. I really appreciate all the freebies but sometimes I am just trying to get caught up. I am always amazed at seeing your fantastic work each day. THANKS!

  10. So sorry Paulette! I know I'm one of the people who hasn't always said thank you. You are amazing, you provide a wonderful service to those of us who are less capable where image making is concerned and I apologise for any upset you are now suffering. It's not that I'm unappreciative, I'm just like a kid in a sweet shop when I get on your site :D XXX

  11. I am guilty of snagging and running and that is wrong, I am sorry. Your stuff is great and I know we are all gratefull that you share your talent. Thank you for the great freebies!!!!

  12. Paulette
    Your right!!!
    Most of us do the same thing, and I apoligize for rude behavior.

    Your hard work and your gifted talent IS GREATLY appreciated!!
    THANK YOU from the bottom of MY heart!!


  13. I agree with you. I have left some thank yous but will now make a concerted effort to leave a comment with each digi I download. I really like your graphics and working in publishing, I appreciate the effort that goes into them.

    I have a personal blog and get weekly stats--it seems a sad trend that lots will read but few comment. I hope this post will change that for you! Hugs!

  14. I'm sorry the responses, or lack thereof, have discouraged you. I am one who does not leave a TY every time. But when it comes to me, and probably a some other regulars, please don't count the numbers, count the love! I may download several from you and only leave a comment on a few, but I always try to let you know how much I appreciate the treasures you have provided throughout the day. I also appreciate your open communication and personal responses. I feel like a friendship is budding, and I never want to be part of the problem.

  15. Guilty! Sorry, I really do appreciate the freebies and work you put into them. I have left thank yous but not every time, I will be sure to do that from now on!

  16. Your downloads are fantastic and I have a whole cart full I want to buy even as soon as I get some money. I also plan on joining your Holiday club... Thanks for the freebies.

  17. I'm sorry to hear that your a bit peeved its understandable chick! Thank you very much for the freebies they are sensational and i will thank you for each one! xx

  18. I have the last few days to sift through, since I've been gone. I will say THANKS in advance for all your hard work!!

  19. I'm so sorry Paulette that you aren't getting people to say thank you. I apologize because I too have been known to snatch and run but I try my best to say thank you. I'm also guilty of getting more than one freebie a day but only saying thank you once. I really DO appreciate all your hard work and I thank you very much.

  20. Dear Paulette....I am soooo sorry that I have been guilty of doing this. I will certainly change this, and say thanks more. I applaude you for all of the hard work you put into this site, and I just love all of your generous freebies!! Please accept my sincere apology!!
    May God bless you and yours,

  21. Gulp...guilty as charged! I am so sorry, Paulette. I promise to do better :) I greatly appreciate every minute that you put into your designs, and I know how long it takes to post on a blog, and I appreciate that you post so many times most days. Thank you, thank you, thank you - I do promise to do better...forgive me?

  22. Oh shoot, I am sorry! I do not leave a thank you each time. What a schmuck I am!!! Sorry, Paulette.

    You are very kind and creative to offer the items you do for free and should not have to say something for me to do so.

  23. Did my comment just post? I do not see it......if it doesn't it was just stating I am a schmuck for not thanking each time and I am sorry! Thank you!!!

  24. You know, when I was downloading the gorgeous backpack, I seen the number and thought, how many ppl said thank you, not many. They shoud think this way" If I got to buy what I get free from Paulette it would cost me loads, but to just get it for a thank you is brill" Sorry but I was shocked how many just grab&go
    I love what you do and made my crafting so much easier since I use your WA

  25. HI Paulette!

    Glad to see you got some much deserved thanks!! I try to at least leave "thank you" comments once a day on your site...Thanks for the manners reminder!! Love your stuff!

  26. i think you got our attention, thanks

  27. Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You
    You Sweet Wonderful Generous Loving Woman YOU!!!!

  28. Hi Paulette,

    I too am one of the guilty ones who does not always leave a thank you, but I always give a mention to you on my blog when I use any of you fab freebies and have sent on a couple of photos to you which you very kindly featured on your blog which I felt was a great honour.

    Karen x

  29. Oh, I'm one of these unmannered too. I hope you know that I appreciate your hard work VERY VERY much, also I don't very often say thank you in the comments. I hope I have made that up by sending some of my creations where I used your WA. The last two I made especially for your blog because I got one of your digisets for free (I'm not very fast, but that time I was fast enough!)and wanted to show how beautiful these sentiments combine with summer-images. But I'm glad you reminded me, so from now on I will do better. Thank you very much for all your work and generosity!

  30. I know I have been guilty of this a few times, but have been really trying to make a point of thanking you for the wonderful wordart and digis you share. For the ones I forgot to come back and comment on, I really do thank you. You are soo generous.

  31. sorry :0( thank you for all your hardwork, it is very much appreciated :0)

  32. I posted earlier but it's not on here. :-( I appreciate everything you do--I hope you know that already from me.

  33. How funny all the excuses people have made up in the past 32 comments for their lack of simple courtesy!
    And how sad that you had to remind them to do it!
    I only check in a few times a day, but when I do go to my Reader, it's AMAZING how many files you have shared in the past few days!

  34. Ouch! I am guilty. I did leave a nice tip a couple of days ago though. I guess I thought that would suffice. I will start leaving comments and I want to visit your store and buy.

    I am so sorry.

  35. Sorry :( I say it sometimes but not always..I should say Thank You all the time.. I'm mostly on your site almost everyday too :(

    Your doing an awesome job..thank you VERY much for ALL the freebies

  36. I'm glad that you said something! I always try to leave you at least a Thank You. Wouldn't want my Grandma rolling over in her grave, or for my Mom to disown me! You put lots of time, thought and effort into what you do. The fact that you share so much of it for free is extremely generous of you. The least we can do is thank you for all that generosity!

  37. I'm sorry Paulette! I hate the thought that someone so generous and giving is feeling so unappreciated! I'm guilty - I pop in and do a big catch up and only leave one thank you... From now on if I have time to spend Downloading each one then I jolly well have time to Thank you for your work and creativity for each one too! (Scolding myself severely for bad manners on behalf of my Grandmother...)
    THANK YOU for reminding us all of how easy it is to forget something so simple as a "thank you" - and how much impact we can ALL have in small ways.
    With Warmest Regards, and LOADS of thanks, Shannah xox

  38. I have been unable to be online for the past 2 weeks. So I have been catching up today. Thank you so much. These are darling. I LOVE the I love you to infinity and beyond one. My oldest son used to try to say it to me but he always ended up staying I love you to bed bath and beyond. It was so cute!!

    Emily C

  39. I'm guilty to!

    I only found out about your lovely site two / three days ago and still learning how everything works.

    I didnt know if you would like comments, because I noticed that there wherent much comments with your cool freebies. But I agree with everyone else, it's not that hard to leaf a nice comment on your beautiful creations!

    I really like your freebies! Thank you!

  40. I'm sorry people aren't thanking you. I try my best but sometimes I'm rushing. I will do better. I didn't even get to the just married yet so thanks!! You are amazingly talented and generous!

  41. So sorry to hear that people is not kind to say thanks when they receive gifts...
    I'm really thankful for all the beauties you share in here :)

    Have a great week end!


  42. Pauline, Thank you so much for your generosity! I just found your site and was going backwards as I rudely downloaded all the past goodies you have created and gathered and spent your hard work on, then came across your message reminding me that I was not being very thankful for your kindness. I will be leaving a tip as well...thank you and please forgive me for my lack of manners! I havene't made it over to the store yet but can't wait to!


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.