Tuesday, July 27, 2010


The Boxnet downloads do not work at the moment. We are out of bandwith for the month (so many downloads) There is nothing I can do about it.....my understanding is that the bandwith will reset on August 1st.
So any of the downloads with Boxnet are not available at the moment. You will get an error message......I think I kind of mentioned this before.
So although I appreciate all your emails....please don't send me any more emails telling me to fix Box net.


  1. Damn Boxnet!! LOL It's all good darlin. Your workin it to death.

  2. Love your stamps! You could try Media Fire or 4Shared to share files. Hope to get your freebies soon. Thank you.

  3. OH OH - forgive me please. I just got home and am busy downloading trying to catch up. Started at the top and working my way down - so didn't know about the downloads not working!!! Won't bother you again with that question - sorry!
    Hugs, Candy


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