Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Gorgeous Gramma Day....

Who is a Gorgeous Grandma? She is every woman over fifty, sixty, or seventy who
Believes she has her whole life ahead of her, not her whole life behind her.
Wants to get the most out of every day of her life.
Wants to thrive, not just survive
Cares for her mind and her body
Remains adaptable to life’s bittersweet as well as sweet.
Cherishes herself as much as she cherishes her loved ones.
Refuses to remain static - who is always open to learning, to new ideas, to new challenges and to new experiences
Loves life - and lets everyone know it!
And, for our Single Gorgeous Grandmas ~Recovers after loss and learns to love again.


  1. i'm all that and then some---i'm a 48 year old grandma and i'm lovin' every moment--i have 2 grandsons, Tyler {4 years old} and Tylan {20 months}--so yeah, grandmas come in the 40 range also--here's proof:

  2. Now that's really beautiful! TFS!!

  3. Hey, you just described my MOM! She became a Gramma later than she would have liked. AND it's also her BIRTHDAY! I've copied this and will be sending it to her. THANKS!

  4. That was sweet. I'm getting there.

  5. I'm a Gorgeous Gran and proud of it. Thanks for the post.

  6. Love this. It makes us Granny's feel pretty good:) Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a GREAT DAY :)

  7. What a beautiful sentiment! I strive to live up to that! Thank you!

  8. Can we share this thought in a download? It's so succinct, so beautiful. Please?

  9. Suzi... not sure what you mean by that. Can you email me?


  10. I became a Grandma for the first time last year at age 62. This is a wonderful sentiment which really hit the spot.
    The only problem is that the older you are when you became a grandma it is not quite so easy to get down on the floor to play. I remember my Mum getting down to play with me and my brother (she also used to climb trees). We used to have hilarious fun but my grandma was too old and infirm to join in.

    Here's to all grandmas, nans, nannys, grannys or whatever you are called. Lift a glass and toast yourselves.

    Thank you Paulette for the wonderful thoughts.

    Lots of luv


  11. Oh Paulette I just love this!!! I can think of some friends who would love to receive this!! TFS

  12. Sadly my Grandma has recently passed away - but that described her perfectly!! Gorgeous!
    Thanks Paulette!
    Hugs, Shannah

  13. How beautifully said, Paulette!
    I sure hope I am living up to it :o)
    Hugs, Candy

  14. My DGD is so excited about this one, and finally TODAY (the 25th) we got to a place where I could download it. Thank you Paulette.


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