Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Game of the Day.....

Candy hosted a fun game of tag on the CDAC site most of today....
The prize for those who played is above...
It's too cute to not share though....
But............since the other people had to play to get it....it's only fair that it comes with a cost....lol
There are two pieces the digi and the word art.
Tip Time~!~!
Tip and Email
Have Fun~!


  1. Your images are beautiful . Thanks for sharing.

  2. Been hurting all day and just now got on the computer so I missed the game for this and we are so broke we cant pay attention, lol, so no tip. I just wanted to say,this is so adorable!!

  3. Awww - darn time zones! I missed the game again. Think I'll have to move to the States just to play LOL!!
    Hugs, Shannah

  4. Too cute! I left a tip!

    email: shestamps11-blogs at yahoo dot com


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