Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Trying something new to brighten someones day.....

Post a comment on this blog entry by Saturday, April 11th.

I will randomly pick 4 comments on this blog post and they will receive a little digi gift from me.
The key is you must pay it forward and do the same on your blog if you are one of the winners.

Spread some cheer and have some fun~! Let's see how far and wide this can go.

If you would like to share a RAK on your blog.....snag the award on the top, and RAK away~!

Start your posting....and watch for the winners~!



  1. First never win (LOL) but I wanted to say that you read my mind. I was going to post a similar thing on my blog encouraging Random Acts of Kindness. You beat me to it! LOL!

    I try and practice RAK every day. Some of the things I do are...

    Give something to drink (water) to the men who landscape our complex or the mailman or delivery man on a hot summer day. In the winter I offer them hot chocolate or coffee to go.

    Help our elderly neighbor by helping to bring up his groceries, carry out his garbage and shovel out his car when it snows.

    I do little things like let people ahead of me online and hold the door open for others.

    Just recently I paid for coffee for the elderly man who was online behind me at Dunkin Donuts. It totally took him by surprise and he insisted he pay but he finally let me pay for him.

    I leave coupons in the grocery store on top of the products the coupons are good for. I figure if I don't need them why not let others take advantge of the coupons.

    I donate my clothing to a local organization who cares for people who have developmental disabilities and live on group homes. They don't have money for clothing so they can use all the help they can get.

    We donate money, food, cleaning supplies and blankets to the local animal shelter. We visit at least 1-2 times a month and bring cat and dog treats and pet the animals and talk to them and let them know others care about them.

    These are just some of the things that I do. I am a HUGE believer in RAK's.

  2. What a super kewl idea P! I love it! What an inspiration and encouragement to others! Without RAK's life would sure be boring! I love passing them out and seeing people in shock!

    My oldest daughter even does it once in a while too! She went out of her way to bring some groceries to the homeless guy we see on the corner every day! She saw him, turned around, went to the grocery store, bought several nonparishable but nutritious type things and then went back to him...HE WAS THRILLED!

    Going thru the drive-thru at McD' for the person behind you! Then you can watch them in your rear veiw mirror as the cashier tells them! They are SHOCKED and PLEASED! Always puts a smile on their face!

    SO MANY Ways in every day life to share a smile in some fashion with other folks! If everyone would do that at least once a day, wouldn't be in such a happy world??! WOW!

    THANKS for starting this P! I am going to post it on my blog as well. (after I'm done with my tax schutff next week)... THANK YOU!!!!!

  3. What a nice thing to do Paulette. Thank you! I truly believe in "paying it forward". What goes around, comes around. I've seen it happen many times.

    Just the other day....I was in the grocery store and was just purchasing one item. The couple in front of me had about 10 items. They told me to go ahead of them. I said it didn't matter, that I wasn't in a hurry but they insisted so I did :-). They commented about doing their good deed for the day. Then......

    Tuesday I was in the Post Office and the fellow in front of me saw the delivery confirmation on my package. He has no idea how it worked so I got him one, explained/showed him and he was so thankful, thanked me at least 10 times for my help. Something simple but none the less, we both left there feeling a little more happy hearted :-)

    It really doesn't take much and causes some nice warm fuzzy feelings :-)

  4. Paulette - this is great!!!
    RAKs are wonderful things to do and give you such a warm heart in knowing that you have made someone very happy. It's nice to do things without having to get a reward. Just knowing that you have put a smile on someone's face is reward enough. My hubby and I try very hard to do something for others every chance we can. It doesn't have to be anything big - just doing something is what it's all about.
    I have found that just a SMILE will brighten up someone's not so bright day.
    You've probably seen that I always sign my e-mails and posts with "Smiles". I've received so many e-mails back from people telling me that my signature line put a smile on their face.

  5. i love RAKS. when i was into paper scrapping really big, i would send raks to friends. usually something they had been wanting or something they had commented on liking.

    my dh calls me the encourager all the time, because i am always sending cards or little notes to people in our church and friends. just a nice way to let someone know you are thinking of them and care. i also like to give little gifts to people for no reason. just little things like a coffee mug and hot chocolate or such.

    things that don't cost much or take too much time, but they are sure to bring a smile to that persons face or brighten their day. you never know what they person has been dealing with and how much your encouragement will mean to them.

  6. That's a real nice idea Paulette.
    I hold doors open for people quite often, including young men who graciously thank me. I am almost 70 so once in awhile I get a look of surprise, lol. I also let people ahead of me in the grocery line if they only have a few items and I have a cart full.

    Recently on holidays in Mexico, when it came time to pack up to come home we still had coffee, bottled water, and some rum left, so we passed it on to people who still had a few days left there. It was appreciated.

    We also invite our young 12year old friend, who lives down the street, to come in and have a cup of hot chocolate to warm up when he is delivering his newspapers when it is 30 below. He has sort of adopted us as grandparents. Anything he has that need fixing, like a bicicle tire or what ever, he brings here for my hubby to fix. He gratefully smiles and thanks hubby profusely, and explains his dad doesn't know how to fix those things.

    It doesn't take much to bring a smile to someone's face.

  7. No blog have I but anxious to see
    What goodies P. has for the winning entry!

    Random acts of kindness I try to routinely do... by helping to prepare and serve meals at our church as well as preparing, delivering and serving about 125 meals to a city church on a monthly basis!! Throughout the year we also help prepare and serve Funeral luncheons held in our church!

    We transport food donations from our Church to several food pantries and shelters in the city.
    Every Christmas, we help prepare, serve and cleanup a turkey meal for about 100 people at a local church, which is not our congregation!

    Volunteering at our firehouse auxiliary's to prepare and sell food, as well as a community Mother's Day meal fundraiser!!

    As Kim mentioned in her post....
    DH and I, also recycle our clothing and household goods to a local thrift store. It is no uncommon for us to allow others to go ahead of us while waiting in lines at stores, etc.

    If neighbors or church members have been ill ...I have made soups and casseroles fro their meal!

    We are friendly with an older couple at church and Ilove making small little food gifts toshare with them for no particular reason!

    Random acts of kindness really do give people unexpected lifts in life! After reading the comments that were posted, there is plenty of other things I can begin doing! CME2

  8. What a neat idea, I'll post this tomorrow on my blog as well :)


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.