Saturday, March 24, 2012


4 shared is apparently no longer an option, since they are now making you register to download things.....Wiki appears to not like Google Chrome.....Boxnet limits the number of downloads you can have in a month and I always exceed that, and then I get tons of email telling me that, and the downloads don't work.....this is all out of my control. 
Please don't email me anymore and make me aware of all of this....I appreciate knowing...but at this point I know everything there is to know.....I will continue using Wiki and Box Net alternately....and sorry to those of you that your browser won't let you use Wiki.  I think it is an awesome quick download, and maybe that's why google chrome doesn't like it.  You can always use Firefox as your browser...they seem to like most everyone.
Hope that clarifies everything.  Keep in mind...they are free, I don't want to spend any more time trying to find that download site the likes every browser.
There is always the option of purchasing and or joining the freebies mailing club


  1. sorry you have had to go through all of this.
    even though I can't use the Wiki, I am very thankful for the time I've had here at TLC. you know how much I treasure all that I have of yours, Paulette. it's been a most amazing ride, dear friend! :)
    thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  2. Thanks for letting us know! I actually use 3 different browsers now because there is not one that seems to work with everything on the internet. I use Safari, Firefox and Google Chrome - it's ridiculous!!!

    Thanks for your continued generosity in making all of your wonderful sentiments FREE to all of us cardmakers. Anyone who doesn't appreciate you is NUTS (or just didn't learn any manners from their mommas)!!!!

  3. Thanks for the info Paulette! The options to share files seem to be quite tricky =/ Thank you for sharing them :)

  4. Thanks, Paulette, for trying to make things easy for us. Most of all, thank you for your wonderful creations and generosity!

  5. Where there's a will, there's a way! I'll keep trying and trying. You are so generous with your timeand talent, I appreciate it. Thank you.

  6. I appreciate all you give us for are so generous. I use firefox and never have a problem.

    Have a great day :D

  7. i still manage to download your freebies and hope that everyone else finds a way to do so to love christine in italy xx

  8. Thank for the information. I'll try it in another browser.

  9. Thank you for all the hard work that you do. I am one of the lucky ones that can use Wiki. Hugs, Suze

  10. I appreciate all the work that goes into your freebies every time I receive one. Many thanks!

  11. Thank you Paulette! It is an ginormous effort to provide the freebies that you do & they are very appreciated..thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my little wee heart!

    Sandy S

  12. Brilliant - that makes perfect sense. I use Chrome but am very happy to have an alternative browser to be able to access Wiki. You definitely need to use whatever's good for you - you put so much time into all the wonderful freebies you do that searching round for different hosting sites is definitely not a good way to be spending your time. You're a wonderful person - thank you so much once again for sharing your amazing creativity.

  13. Paulette, Thank you for all that you do. I so appreciate everything.

  14. I've only rarely had a problem with downloading and would be happy to "hop" browsers to continue receiving your goodies. You shouldn't be the one putting yourself out Paulette! I really appreciate everything that you so willingly and freely share with crafters. Helen x

  15. Paulette, thank you for providing the freebies. I have Chrome and have not had any trouble downloading all you give us. Thank you again for sharing your time and talent.

  16. Is it that big of a deal to register on 4shared? It took me just a second to register and I was able to quickly download the freebie...thanks for that!

  17. Thanks for your continued patience and generosity Paulette!

    I don't understand the big issue with having to register with 4shared. Those people using Chrome (like me) are already signed in with their Google account anyway?! All you have to do is enter your email address! Oh well.

  18. I love I also love 4shared. I already had an account there. But yes, is used more and more by Scrapbookers as well. It's easier, more user friendly and you don't have to register to download.


  19. What a hassle we all go through with these file downloaders! A year ago, 4Shared was making us wait up to 8 minutes to download - they said it was a server problem, but i think they were just trying to get all of us to pay them to allow us to download. So, i am surprised any designer is willing to give freebies since you go through so much angst just to do it! Thanks for your continued willingness to supply us with so many truly wonderful WA and vintage (and often humorous!) designs! i appreciate you!


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.